This organization shall be known as the Brampton Cycling Club.

  • To encourage, conduct and promote safe, recreational bicycling.
  • To carry on its objectives in affiliation with the Canadian Cycling Association, the Ontario Cycling Association, and the Brampton Parks and Recreation Department.

Membership is open to any person interested in the aims and purposes of the Brampton Cycling Club.


The governance of the Brampton Cycling Club shall be vested in an Executive group, hereafter referred to as “the Executive”.

The Executive shall consist of seven individuals, to be elected by the members of the Brampton Cycling Club. The officers of the Brampton Cycling Club shall be:

  • President,
  • Vice-President Touring,
  • Club Secretary,
  • Treasurer,
  • Membership Secretary,
  • Webmaster,
  • Events Director,

(A Past-President may also be included in organizational decision-making processes.)

The Executive shall appoint all other officers as specified in the by-laws. The term of office for each officer shall be one year. The position of Past-President will be held only by the previous year’s President. If the current President retains his/her position, then the office of Past-President will remain vacant.

Any vacancy occurring during the term of office of an Executive member shall be filled by appointment by the Executive. Any member with membership fees fully paid shall be eligible to hold an office or position of the Brampton Cycling Club.


The Clubs’ fiscal year shall be from October 1st through September 30th.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held within 60 days of the Club’s year-end.

The Executive shall give at least 15 days’ notice of such meetings via an email broadcast to all members.

Prior to the AGM, the Club Secretary shall accept:

  • Proxy Forms authorizing designated members who are attending the AGM to vote on behalf of the proxy signatories.
  • Nomination Acceptance Forms submitted by a member wishing to stand for nomination for a position on the Executive but unable to attend the AGM.


  • Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
  • Reports of all the Executive of the Brampton Cycling Club
  • Election of the new Executive
  • Voting on the amendments to the Constitution or the By-Laws
  • New business

The Executive shall meet as requested by either the President or the Vice-President Touring.


The Vice-President Touring may form, if desired, a committee to discuss and plan touring activities. This committee shall be called to meet as deemed necessary by the Vice-President Touring.

The committee chairperson shall be responsible and report to the Vice-President Touring.


The constitution and by-laws may from time to time be changed or amended. No changes or amendments shall be in force or acted on until ratified by the members at a special meeting or at the Annual General Meeting of the Brampton Cycling Club.


a) President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Brampton Cycling Club and the Executive meetings. The President may temporarily fill any vacancy in any office or committee until a new member can be appointed for the remainder of the term of office. The President shall exercise a general overview of the affairs of the Brampton Cycling Club and shall be ex-officio member of all committees.
The President or his/her designate, will represent the Club at meetings of outside organizations and bodies such as, but not restricted to, the OCA and Regional Cycling Committees.

b) Vice-President Touring
The Vice-President Touring, in the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President shall be the acting President. The Vice-President Touring shall, with his/her Tour Leaders and/or committee, plan and organize all recreational cycling activities, and report to the Executive and the membership on past and future activities.

c) Club Secretary
The Club Secretary shall organize the logistics and record the minutes of each meeting and shall execute other secretarial tasks of the Club as requested by the Executive.

d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial status of the Brampton Cycling Club. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies received in a reliable banking company and issue all payment (cheques), in the name of the Brampton Cycling Club.

e) Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary shall work with the OCA-chosen registration company to plan and oversee the membership registration process.

f) Webmaster
The webmaster will maintain the Brampton Cycling Club web site in order to keep the membership and the cycling community at large apprised of information, scheduling events and activities of interest.

g) Events Director
The events director will plan and organize in-season and off-season club activities including but not limited to: the year-end social, bike shows, Club Picnics, Fun Days, Family Days and other social events with the assistance of the Executive and other club members.


  1. Annual membership dues shall be set by the Executive.
  2. Membership
    1. Single memberships shall apply to any person eighteen years of age or older.
    2. Youth memberships shall apply to any person seventeen years of age or younger during the calendar year.
    3. Family memberships shall apply to any parent or guardian and/or members of the same family.
  3. Termination of Membership
    1. The interest of a Member in the Corporation is not transferable and lapses and ceases to exist:
      1. When the Member’s period of membership expires;
      2. If the Member resigns in writing, in which case the resignation shall be effective from acceptance thereof by the Executive, provided that such Member shall remain liable for payment of any outstanding membership dues levied or which became payable by the Member to the Club prior to such person’s resignation;
      3. If the Member dies;
      4. If a Member is expelled by resolution of the Executive, provided that such expulsion is done in good faith and in a fair and reasonable manner.
    2. For the purposes of paragraph 3(a)(iv), an expulsion is fair and reasonable if,
      1. A Member is given at least fifteen (15) days’ notice of the expulsion with reasons; and
      2. The Member is given an opportunity to be heard by the Executive, orally or in writing, not less than five (5) days before the expulsion becomes effective.
  4. Quorum needed for voting at the AGM or any other general meeting shall be 1/10th of the total membership.
  5. Voting Rights: Any member thirteen years of age or over shall be entitled to cast one vote at every Annual General Meeting or any meeting where a matter is brought to a vote.
  6. Monies
    1. A time limit of one month shall be set for all monies to be received by the Treasurer from the time another member receives the monies.
    2. Executive member shall not spend in excess of one hundred dollars of club monies without the approval of at least two other Executive members.