What does it do?

Our Road Cycling Mentor Program will give you a one-on-one introduction with an experienced cyclist to the ins and outs of riding safely on the road with others cyclists while also sharing the road with other vehicles.

Expectations of You

  • At the start, we don’t expect you to be able to ride the distances that we do in our club which are typically 40 to 100+ km depending on the ability group. However, you should be able to ride at least 20 km in 60 to 70 minutes in order to benefit from this program.
  • It’s important to understand that the intent of this program is to get you cycling with other riders on open city and regional roads that also have motor vehicle traffic.
  • You are expected to have a bicycle in good working order and you must have a cycling helmet. We strongly recommend that you have your bike checked and serviced if necessary before coming out to your first mentoring session.

How do you sign up?

You do not need to join the Brampton Cycling Club to take advantage of this program and there is no cost attached. Our hope is that your experience with our mentor program and road riding in general will be so positive that you will consider joining our Club when the pandemic has passed and we can again offer memberships and a full program of sanctioned rides and social events.

In the meantime, if you are interested, contact one of our Mentoring Program facilitators at touring@bramptoncyclingclub.com or mentoring@bramptoncyclingclub.com, providing name and a phone number.

Screening and Getting Set Up with a Mentor

The facilitator you contact will call to ask you some questions regarding your cycling experience, ability and interests. Our club has five different speed/distance groups from Beginners to Sportif.

Once the facilitator confirms that you will benefit from an introductory session, they will forward your contact details to a mentor from the appropriate speed group. That mentor will then contact you to arrange your introductory session at a location mutually convenient for both of you.

Introductory and Follow-up Mentoring Sessions

When you meet, your mentor will determine your familiarity with gearing, cadence, clothing, nourishment, bike maintenance and any others topics they feel are pertinent. Then, assuming that your bike is in safe mechanical condition, they will take you out for a short ride of 30 minutes or more to assess your bike handling skills and your basic fitness level.

If, after this first ride, the mentor feels that you will be able to ride safely and keep up with one of our regular groups, they will make arrangements to join you at an upcoming group ride. They will stay with you throughout this second ride to provide tips and make the experience as safe and stress-free as possible.

A third group ride with mentor accompaniment can be arranged if both of you feel that would be advisable.